ampalab Soy OMNIvoro !
Cantidad de envíos : 5898 Edad : 67 Localización : Costa Rica Puntos : 14230 Fecha de inscripción : 23/03/2011
| Tema: Siclo aqueménida tipo IIIb (desde Jerjes I a Artajerjes II) Vie 19 Ago 2016 - 23:15 | |
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benyusuf MODERADOR
Cantidad de envíos : 16125 Edad : 58 Localización : مجريط Puntos : 21951 Fecha de inscripción : 30/04/2012
| Tema: Re: Siclo aqueménida tipo IIIb (desde Jerjes I a Artajerjes II) Sáb 20 Ago 2016 - 12:05 | |
| Acepto el castigo Me parece del tipo IIIb Type IIIb (early). Xerxes I - Darius II, c. 485 - 420 BC. c. 5.55 - 5.60 g.Drapery with naturalistic fold over the advanced left knee, no pellets, sometimes appears beardless, often cartoon-like or crude, sometimes an elongated face, sometimes quiver not visible, significant variation in style.Klein dates Type IIIb 485 - 470 BC.
Siglos. Carradice type IIIb (early): Carradice plate XII, 16 ff.; [url= Kayhan]SNG Kayhan[/url] 1030 (crude); Rosen 673; [url= II]SGCV II[/url] 4682; [url= NC 1998]Carradice NC 1998[/url] pl. 7, 155 ff.; [url= Price]Carradice Price[/url]p. 67 and pl. 17, 1 ff.; Winzer 1.11; Sunrise 25; [url= Hoard]Asyut Hoard[/url] -. Common. 1/8 siglos. Carradice type IIIb (early): Sunrise 26 (0.72 g). Very rare. Plated counterfeit siglos. Carradice type IIIb (early):[url= cf.] cf.[/url] [url= Kayhan]SNG Kayhan[/url] 1030; Rosen 673; [url= II]SGCV II[/url] 4682 (all official). Common.[url= NC 1998]Carradice NC 1998[/url] discusses two styles, each with three subtypes. Style A has a stocky figure usually with a large square ended beard. Style B has a slimmer figure, often with a cartoon-like large eye and aquiline nose, and sometimes a beard composed of curved or vertical lines. Significant differences in style often indicate a typewas struck at more than one mint, however, both styles share reverse dies. Type IIIb might have been struck at more than one mint, but it remains unproven. Type IIIb (late). Artaxerxes I - Artaxerxes II, c. 450 - 375 BC. c. 5.55 - 5.60 g.Stylistic drapery with broad semi-circular sweep of folds from the left knee back to the right heel, no pellets, large formal figure, often V-shaped folds on front of drapery, sometimes quiver not visible. Possibly struck at multiple mints.
Siglos. Carradice type IIIb (late): Carradice plate XIV, 36 ff.; [url= Kayhan]SNG Kayhan[/url] 1029; Rosen 671 - 672; [url= II]SGCV II[/url] 4682; Klein 761; [url= Price]Carradice Price[/url] p. 69 and pl. 18, 79 ff.;Sunrise 29; [url= Hoard]Asyut Hoard[/url] -. Common. 1/8 siglos. Carradice type IIIb (late): Klein 762 (0.68 g). Very rare. 1/8 siglos. Carradice type IIIa/b, with Aramaic inscription (from Phoenicia or Gaza?, early - mid 4th century B.C.?): Sunrise 31. Extremely rare.¿Que opinas? _________________ "Qvod tibi fieri non vis, alteri non feceris"
ampalab Soy OMNIvoro !
Cantidad de envíos : 5898 Edad : 67 Localización : Costa Rica Puntos : 14230 Fecha de inscripción : 23/03/2011
| Tema: Re: Siclo aqueménida tipo IIIb (desde Jerjes I a Artajerjes II) Miér 24 Ago 2016 - 8:40 | |
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| Tema: Re: Siclo aqueménida tipo IIIb (desde Jerjes I a Artajerjes II) | |
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